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Website Support and Maintenance for the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce

Outsourcing Drupal Website Maintenance

Minnesota chamber of commerce

About the Company

The Minnesota Chamber leads the statewide business community to advance pro-business, responsible public policy that creates jobs, grows the economy, and provides member services to address evolving business needs.

For the last 110 years, the Chamber has provided the business community a collective voice and successfully shaped Minnesota’s environment to help businesses thrive and grow within our state.

Its 6,300 member organizations represent every industry and drive economic growth in every corner of the state. They mirror the state’s economy and represent every size of business from small companies to many of the state’s Fortune 500 companies.


Minnesota Chamber logo
Minnesota Chamber homepage

Project Description

  • Systematically updating the Drupal website with new features, bug fixes, platform and plug-in updates, design refreshes, or fresh content.
  • Troubleshooting any issues that these updates may have based on your environment setup
    Provide deployment with Pantheon.  
  • Complete testing to confirm that everything works as expected. (Regression tests, et cetera.)
screenshot of Minnesota Chamber homepage
CTA section on Minnesota Chamber homepage