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Minneapolis Web Design Company

Your results-driven Minneapolis web design and SEO partner.

Turn Your Website Into a Growth Machine

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Your website isn't just a URL. It's your most important business asset.

In today's digital-first world, your Minneapolis-based business's success hinges on a strong online presence. However, simply having a website isn't enough. 

Without the right design, SEO strategy, and user experience, you may struggle to attract and convert your target audience.

Let's delve deeper into the challenges you might be facing.


Before we explore the solutions, it’s crucial to fully understand the pain points your current website may be causing:

  • Invisible to Your Audience: Without robust SEO and a sound digital marketing strategy, your site might as well be invisible on Google, making it hard for potential customers in Minneapolis and beyond to find you.
  • Poor User Experience: If your website design doesn’t prioritize user experience, visitors may leave out of frustration, decreasing your chances to convert leads into customers.
  • Outdated Technology: An old website can slow down transactions, especially for ecommerce, losing you sales and damaging your brand’s credibility.
  • Weak Branding and Messaging: Without professional graphic design and consistent messaging, your site might fail to communicate your brand’s value, making it harder to stand out in the competitive Twin Cities market.
  • Limited Functionality: A lack of advanced functionality can prevent you from fully integrating SEO services, content management systems like WordPress, or ecommerce platforms like Magento and Shopify.


Why Minnesota Brands Choose O8 For Web Design

For over a decade, O8 has been at the forefront of web design, helping businesses in diverse markets grow their digital presence. 


"We hit deadlines and came in under budget. Website visits have increased 40% since our launch in December and our conversion rates have tripled!"

Naomi McDonald
Chief of Marketing
Leila De la Fuente

The team at O8 has been instrumental in helping our company elevate our web user experience...

Leila De la Fuente
Senior Web Marketing Manager
  • Top Minnesota Web Designer
  • Top Minneapolis UX Agency
  • Top Minneapolis Web Developer
  • Top Minneapolis Branding Agency
  • Top Minneapolis Digital Design Agency
  • Top Minneapolis Creative Agency
  • Top Minneapolis PHP Developer
  • As rated by Clutch

Your Minneapolis Web Design Team

Seth headshot

Seth Viebrock

CEO and Marketing Engineer

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Alison LaPoint Krahn

Alison LaPoint Krahn

VP, Client Experience

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Karen headshot

Karen Pomazal

VP, Client Strategy + Marketing

Naperville, Illinois

Andy headshot

Andy Keith

VP, Digital Marketing

St. Louis Park, Minnesota

Becky headshot

Becky Inglis

Director, Project Management

Boise, Idaho

Patrick headshot

Patrick Hinchcliff

Development Lead

Denver, Colorado

Danielle Ruess-Saltz

Danielle Ruess-Saltz

Fractional CMO

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Tom Headrick headshot

Tom Hedrick

Director, Digital Strategy

Minneapolis, Minnesota


Sam Hollis

User Experience Lead

Delray Beach, Florida

Nate McBride headshot

Nate McBride

Content Director

Los Angeles, California


Barbara Davis Haas

Graphic Designer

Mundelein, Illinois

Phil Cave

Phil Cave

Global CRO Expert

Stockbridge, England, United Kingdom

How We Make Website Design Easy for You

These are a few ways we simplify the website design process and guarantee a return on your investment when building a growth-driven website with O8:  

Icon Strategy

Data-Backed Decision Making

We proactively eliminate assumptions on UX and design preferences with data-backed judgments on high-impact improvements. These insights inform the entire process from square one and help develop an empathetic understanding of your audience's world to create a website that solves their problems along their journey. 

Icon Rocket Launch

Accelerated Time To Value

Rather than waiting six months for a flashy new website built on assumptions, you get one working for you immediately. One looks and performs better than your current version and is built to capture data. Through sprint workshops and periods of ideation, we prototype, test and develop new ideas to improve performance and visibility.

Icon Team

Transparent Communication

As your partner, we align with your global strategy, business, and website goals. Through testing periods, we share data-backed insights and learnings on audience behavior. This improves the entire company and system, not just one of its parts, allowing for agile and real-time adjustments to content and messaging beyond the website.

Minneapolis Web Design Services + Digital Marketing = Results

As a leading Minnesota web design company located in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul (Twin Cities) metro area, O8 hires the best web design talent and services clients in Minneapolis and nationwide. 

We value transparency, local web design, trustworthiness, and selflessly Doing The Right Thing™ for our Minnesota clients while channeling a strong Midwestern work ethic. Learn more about our company and core values.

O8 is both a digital marketing agency and a Minneapolis web design company. Besides offering custom Minneapolis web design services, we provide a full suite of digital marketing services, including social media campaigns, pay-per-click advertising, mobile app development, email marketing strategies, video production, and various other online marketing solutions.

Many web designers are either not user-centric, or they lack the digital marketing expertise to turn a graphic design into a lead-generation, business-driving machine. At O8, our emphasis is on design that best fits your users, allowing you to tell your brand story while incorporating messaging that motivates and calls to action. 

As a Minneapolis web design company that values local clients, we incorporate marketing strategy into every web design project, then supplement with a full range of digital marketing services. Whether you want to generate more leads, receive more calls or sales, offer e-commerce, or just increase your brand awareness - we will create a digital ecosystem that delivers results.

User Experience Design

At the end of the day, it’s going to be the people using your website and the leads they generate that will make or break its success. That's why we offer specialized user experience design and UX testing services, as well as CRO services to provide data-backed improvements over time.

With the help of our web design services you will become a powerful tool, meticulously attuned to your audience, allowing you to engage them with persuasive storytelling, well-crafted user journeys, and powerful experiences that encourage them to take desired actions. 

Many local Minnesota web design agencies, Minneapolis marketing agencies and marketing companies do not have the technical background we do as a web development company. 

You need local, trusted, and tested web design professionals to take your website design to the next level - O8's team of design and development professionals can help you achieve exactly that.

User-Centered Web Design

Great web design is about more than just having a nice layout – it has to put your users front-and-center, delivering a user experience (UX) that will captivate and motivate them to take action. As a top-rated Minneapolis web design agency, we create custom websites fully optimized for user-centered UX in Drupal, WordPress, Magento, and other popular content management and e-commerce platforms.

SEO for Web Design

Our SEO services are integral to our web design process, ensuring that your website not only looks great but also ranks well in search results. We focus on optimizing every aspect of your site—from architecture and content to mobile responsiveness and keyword integration—giving you a competitive edge in search engine rankings and helping you reach your target audience effectively.

Additional Minneapolis Web Design Services

  • Content Marketing: Crafting engaging content to boost your SEO and audience engagement.
  • New Website: Launch your brand online with a fresh, innovative, and responsive website.
  • Accessibility: Ensuring your website is accessible to all users, enhancing user experience and compliance.
  • Design Firm: A creative approach to visual and interactive elements that capture your brand’s essence.
  • Digital Agency: Comprehensive digital strategies from SEO to social media marketing to elevate your online presence.
  • In-House: Our dedicated team works as an extension of yours to meet all your digital needs.
  • Inbound Marketing: Attract, engage, and delight customers using targeted content and interactions.
  • Marketers: Experienced professionals dedicated to boosting your brand’s visibility and engagement.
  • Marketing Firm: Strategic marketing services tailored to drive growth and increase market share.
  • Nonprofit: Specialized digital solutions that cater to the unique needs of nonprofit organizations.
  • Pricing: Transparent and flexible pricing strategies tailored to your business objectives and budget.
  • Real Estate: Custom digital solutions designed to showcase properties and attract potential buyers or tenants.
  • Redesign: Refresh your existing website with a modern, user-focused interface and enhanced functionalities.
  • Startups: Tailored services to help startups establish a strong online presence quickly and efficiently.